Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dont tell me to be a soap!

They want you be normal, as in, what they think is normal. Follow the religion like a “normal” person…too much passion or too little enthusiasm neither is accepted. They even fixed times for when you should pray! Odd times just not accepted. Get married to the “normal” guy, “normal” i.e. not too accomplished neither a loser. Somebody they choose of the same caste, same qualification, same religion! There should be nothing exceptional just the normal and regular stuff. Yeah be regular. There is nothing “normal” about it. In fact normalcy is left way behind to make way for the regular. Be the regular and live by the rules of regularity…like the coffee at a chain that must always taste the same with no extra frills, elements of newness in size or taste. Like the bar of soap that smells the same, feels the same, is packed the same each time you buy it. They want you to be the coffee. They want you to be the soap.

I hate the regular. I hate the soap, I hate the coffee. I want anything but the regular the regular is just not me! I’d rather die an irregular death than live a regular life. But the tension is too much to stand. The resistance to “different” from the norm in their mind! They want you to do what they think must be done but it is actually what their parents thought must be done! It’s the “Ultimate Scroll on the Laws of Living” handed over centuries you are up against. You are not fighting the 60 odd years old…you are fighting the 120 years old thought process. The bits and pieces that they themselves didn’t fight and revolt against stayed in them and then interfere with the life of their kids whom they want to be “regular”.


Saurabh said...
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Saurabh said...

True; everyone who thinks they care ; read family; wants you take the age old trodden risk free path. I'll quote Jim Morrison "The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder"

Unknown said...

:) morrison, shabash mere cheetey :D

Unknown said...

shabaash morrison sahab ke liye ya saurabh janab k liye

aditya said...

this is a grey world... i keep saying that...

a world of "no extremes"...
a world of "no decision"...
a world of uncertainty...
a world of mediocrity...

If you be decisive... conspicuous... resolved...
people fear you...

they turn against your matter how justified it may be...

reason has limits in this grey world of ours... :)

i wont say much... ill stop here...

everything has limits and limits should be respected...

you should not breach limits till the time you exactly know why they were created in first place...

Unknown said...

"you should not breach limits till the time you exactly know why they were created in first place..."

you are talking like an infant who just inserted his finger and electrical socket and is repenting not adhering to the adult advice! what can i say, i dont mind dying of electrolocution as long as i can say, "i decide for myself"...dont be so is'nt as hard and as dangerous as they tell u it is more fun

i can help you if you want :D